• RV

    One Ringy Dingy

    September 8, 2024 — Day 8 KOA Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada — Struisvogel Ranch, Carrying Place, Ontario Just a quick travel day today. We packed up and headed down the street to another campground to buy propane. We were down to 29% which is surely enough to get home, but maybe not. The forecast over the next few days was going to be cool and we didn’t want to run out. Paul went to gas up the Jeep (paul here: uhm, get some pizza, I mean gasoline, at City Slice, wait, at Canada Petrol.) Both missions accomplished we headed off to Mississauga where there was a Whole Paycheck Whole Foods…

  • RV

    Trick or Treat

    September 6, 2024 KOA Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada Yes, we know it’s September 6th. However, it is Halloween here. No, it isn’t a Canadian thing, but something they do here and in Michigan. We spoke with one local who told us that the weather is so lousy in late October they just do it know. The KOA had all sorts of kids activities, including a spooky movie and of course, trick or treating. Some of the displays were great. Next it was off to the curiously named Shoppers Drug Mart, with the tagline, “Food You’ll Love.” Why go there? Because it is a Post Office! And it was open on…

  • RV

    The Garden of His Turbulence

    September 6, 2024 — Day 6 KOA Niagara Falls, Ontario CA Today was the “wet” day. On deck was the Maid of the Mist boat ride to the falls. Except we didn’t since they leave from the American side. This is new because until a few years ago they left from both sides of the falls. It’s the same company still, but in Canada it is called City Experience and in the US it’s called Maid of the Mist. We were meeting with our friends Yasmin and Hussein for lunch afterwards so we didn’t want to have the extra hassle of a border crossing in both directions as coming to…

  • RV

    Gas Station Pizza

    September 5, 2024 – Day 5 Letchworth State Park, Castile, NY — KOA Niagara Falls, ON, Canada Oh, Canada! Ok, we’re jumping ahead — but Canada! It’s today! We had two choices of bridges to cross into Canada, the Peace Bridge and the Rainbow Bridge. Peace is the southern one, near Buffalo, Rainbow is right by the falls. The Rainbow Bridge was a city route. Paul really wanted to do the Rainbow bridge because it looked more direct. Susan wanted to do the Peace Bridge because the wait was shorter. Plus, once we crossed into Canada the drive was mostly farmland until very near to the KOA. First we needed…

  • RV

    The Elusive Lower Falls

    September 4, 2024 — Day 4 Letchworth State Park, Castile, NY Now that we had the lay of the land we knew what lay south of us – that pretty 20-30 minute drive – we were off to try and find the Lower Falls. But first it was time for lunch. Although the Parkland Diner was fun we also know that with minimal preparation we can easily pack a lunch to eat while taking in a beautiful view at one of the many overlooks. We went back to one from yesterday where we saw a couple having a picnic lunch. As we were enjoying “our” spot another couple sat down…

  • RV

    The “cough” Grand Canyon of the East “cough”

    September 3, 2024 Letchworth State Park Ok, about the title. We didn’t decide to call Letchworth State Park the “Grand Canyon of the East,” NY State decided that. And the park isn’t bad. Actually? It’s pretty awesome! But Grand Canyon of the East? That’s a pretty lofty claim. mmm…we think some market-droid had a little too much latte in the afternoon. (susan here: a tipple laden latte.) Ok, it is pretty impressive. The Genesee River comes through here, dropping three pretty impressive waterfalls in a short distance. There are 66 miles of hiking trails, not that we hike much, however 2 of the 3 waterfalls are easily accessible from the…

  • RV

    Snowbelt NY

    September 2, 2024 Woodland Farms Brewery, Utica NY — Letchworth State Park, Castile, NY Not much to say today, we had a nice easy drive through some very scenic countryside. Since it was a short drive we started off with “Avoid Highways” on. It was only going to add about an hour and we had time to spare so why not! About halfway through it got super hilly so we just went back to the highway. Here are some of the things we saw: Utica NY Waterville NY ‎⁨Skaneateles⁩, NY (and Apple Maps calls this Skaneateles,⁩ Snowbelt, United States, huh?) ‎⁨Leicester⁩, NY ‎⁨Perry⁩, NY ‎⁨Castile⁩, NY We pulled into the…

  • RV

    The Cabin Fever Tour

    September 1, 2024 — Day 1 Keene NH – Utica NY So you all get to make a ruling on this. In the early planning stages for our late Fall trip to Phoenix, Susan realized that we could go via Canada and visit our friends Yasim and Hussein. This meant that Susan had to (finally!) get her passport. Paul has been bugging her for 14 years to get one. As she was doing the paperwork for her passport she asked Paul, “Do you know where yours is?” Paul did know but on a lark decided to have a look at it and woah. It was going to expire mid-September! Quite…

  • RV

    Hammer Down

    June 5, 2024 — Day 82 Liquid Spring, Lafayette IL — Ottawa Metro Park, Lima, OH Susan woke up feeling really lousy (susan here: Prime suspect is the taqueria. Foreshadowing here, I had a miserable couple days coming at me. You haven’t lived until you’re bouncing around in your seat in an RV with a painful, nauseous stomach. Yeah, I know, too much info. But such is the “glamorous life” of your favorite RV bloggers.). She’d been looking forward to the test drive and factory tour at Liquid Spring. So, brave thing she is (susan here: stubborn, perhaps?) sucked it up and soldiered on. We were quite happy to find out…

  • RV

    Feed Me Tacos & Tell Me I’m Pretty

    June 4, 2024 – Day 81 Starved Rock Family Campground, Utica, Illinois — Liquid Spring Factory Parking Lot, Lafayette IL (Note to readers, we’ve been home for awhile. Today is September 5 and we’re just now resuming the blog, because, well, we’re on the road for more adventures! We need to find a way to keep the blog fun but less work. If you don’t read all the awesome entries we write we won’t hold it against you, honest! We’re doing this for ourselves as much as all our friends. Believe it or not we like re-reading it from time to time. Back to the blog already in progress…) The…