The Rim Shot

March 10, 2023 — Day 23

We’ve left Phoenix and headed north on 87 for a short ride to Star Valley AZ, just outside Payson AZ. It is a short drive, but a beautiful one. The recent rains in Phoenix must have hit north of the city also because the desert yellow flowers were in bloom everywhere.

As we left Phoenix went entered the Tonto National Forest, which is a beautiful place. It seemed that a better vista was around each bend, but I suspect the same is true driving southwards also!

Check out the Saguaro Cactus, there were so many of them!

So why the blog title, The Rim Shot? Star Valley, and many other places here, are within sight of the Mogollon Rim, a topographical and geological feature cutting across the northern half of the of Arizona, made famous by Zane Gray, the author and dentist. (Yes, dentist, does Wikipedia really need to have that in the first sentence?) Sadly his restored cabin was destroyed by the Dude Fire in 1990.

The Mogollon Rim

We’re staying in Star Valley until the 17th or so, visiting a good friend. I’ll blog sporadically until we leave, I might not even blog at all.

Oh, 6 more Life Birds: Gila Woodpecker, American Coot, Anna’s Hummingbird, Mexican Jay (or Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay) and Cassin’s Finch.

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