In my Easter Bonnet

April 9, 2023 – Day 53

The cold and wind was still here but we learned from yesterday’s adventure and went for another walk today. The paths were either boards or just a wide, obvious path. Perfect paths for hiking. The scenery was quite nice also.

This section was full of bird song. Merlin Sound id’d two new life birds for us, but we were unable to spot them at all. Susan watching Brown Pelicans, I think.

The Coral Honeysuckle was beautiful.

Back at the house it was time for board games, we finally were in the mood, i.e., not tired at night, to play the new game, Evolution, that Anastasia and John gave us in Phoenix.

Susan beat me 66 to 46. But!!! I had the satisfaction of creating 3 species that were absolutely defended from her truly awesome Carnivore. Rules of the game are if your opponents don’t have prey well to attack, it eats some of your creatures. LOL, but it wasn’t enough. She still won.

Susan volunteered to cook Easter dinner even though it my “my month.” Thanks sweetie!

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