Okie Pies!
April 30, 2024
Mountain Valley RV Park Skylark, Tehachapi, California – Sequoia RV Park, Dunlap California
Just a travel day today, but a travel day with Okie Pies!
We pulled out of the Mountain Valley RV Park without fanfare except Susan spotted a life bird, the Western Kingbird when Paul was unhooking the power. She said, “Look, on that tree, a Western Kingbird.” and Paul saw it just before it flew off. But that’s a grab.
Back to pretty scenery.
We drove by another Keene. This was Keene, CA. Keene is always fun to find. We hope to some day visit all of them. We’ve seen Keene and Keene Valley in the Adirondacks. We had intended to visit Keene, TX after the eclipse but never made it to there because of weather.
Still more pretty scenery. It’s big sky now we are leaving the desert. We both like big sky.
Have you ever never heard of something and once you learned that it existed you just had to have it? That was us and Okie Pies!
A billboard told us that Okie Pies were ahead. Paul googled them, they are like empanadas but with an Oklahoma twist (susan here: ok we’re not in OK but that’s okay). As far as we know you can only get them in one place, Murray Family Farms in Bakersfield CA.
Okie Pies™ are our signature. Savory or sweet, it’s the thing to eat. A classic homestyle pie crust gives an Old-fashioned Oklahoma twist to the Californian Empanada for something flakey, buttery, and delicious.
So of course we stopped in. We had a short day and Susan had a too small too fast breakfast because we wanted to get going before winds picked up again. Paul, well, Paul is already to eat more. (susan here: Paul would eat third breakfast if it was offered.)
The gift shop was full of various canned goods, jams and jellies. The “freshie” food section was amazing but sadly we had just stocked up. Paul asked if the Okie Pies would reheat well, “Of course.” So we got 4, Blueberry Pulled Pork, Breakfast Okie, Veggie, and Chili Verde.
Paul loved the Blueberry Pulled Pork, Susan was “meh” and we both liked the Breakfast Okie. We headed out for the rest of an uneventful trip before arriving at our destination. This was the type of park we don’t like. You drive around, find a spot you like, and claim it. Then you find Carlos and give him cash. We’re not making this up. We found a spot but we never found Carlos. We were super reluctant to put $200 cash into a dropbox. After an unreturned call (still unreturned as of May 10). We decided to do a Venmo to the campground the next day. We’re here for 4 days and never once had a contact with anyone affiliated with the campground. Weird.
Daily: 160
Total: 4,182
Driving Miles/Day: 246
Overall Miles/Day: 91
mpg: 5.95
Life Birds: 1 (Western Kingbird)