Retrospective – A Few Days Home

April 15, 2023 – Day 3

What’s it like to be home? It is both weird and comforting. The house feels huge to us, gymnasium huge. You have to pause at times to remember where something is or how to operate it (the dishwasher comes to mind). The fridge is empty except for a few groceries I bought on day 1.

Three days later the trailer and the car haven’t been unpacked. We do have an excuse, the first day back was a rest day. And yesterday, well, we ran an errand and the car’s thermometer read 91 degrees! It is going to be much cooler today so we’ll empty the camper today.

Are we glad we made the trip? Absolutely. Would we do it again? Yes, but almost certainly not in the trailer. We love “Stuart” our little trailer. It’s well built. In over 10,000 miles of travel we had only a few small things go wrong. You can read horror story after sorry story on the Internet about problems with RVs. Little Stuart exceeded our expectations. But Little Stuart, not to be confused with Stuart Little, is well, little. And little is tough for 56 days, which is 8 weeks, which is 2 months!

What’s next? We don’t know. A drivable that you can live in for months at a time is not cheap to buy nor to maintain. We need to sit down with some big scary spreadsheets and figure things out. But for now Stuart is our home away from home.

There will be a one more posts after this, giving out thoughts on the trip, but thanks for reading this far.

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