The Glamorous Lives of the Travel Bloggers

April 7, 2023 – Day 51

Day 51? How did we get 51 days here? We actually noticed Day “half a hundred” yesterday but I forgot to blog about it. Probably be cause we’ve engaged in the Glamorous Lives of the Travel Bloggers.

It seems crazy that we’ve been on the road this long. I asked Susan this morning, should we turn around and head back West, see Bryce? She said both yes and no. I’m with her on that. Being on the road is great, but it is also the opposite of great. There are people and things we miss. Now that we’ve slowed down our travels we certainly are enjoying it more, but we also miss home.

And we also don’t want to cross Texas again in a travel trailer. :- )

How do Glamorous Travel Bloggers spend their glamorous days? This morning I went to dump the sewage and noticed that in our tiredness yesterday I had forgotten to stow all the tools and stuff that tends to explode out of one of the storage bays as we setup (RV folk know what we’re talking about). And it had rained. I’ll spread that stuff out on the picnic table to dry once it stops raining. Oh, that was this morning and it is raining right now. Then I dumped the sewage.

Susan took care of the trash, how exciting. At least this park recycles. But, one doesn’t know when heading into a park if they recycle or not, so we often, shamefully, do the non-green thing and throw away our bottles and cans.

And what did the Captivating Susan do in the afternoon?

(Susan here; today I went shopping, in the rain. And when I got home I put the awning out to meet with the back hatch of the Subaru so I could bring groceries in “under cover”, proceeded to put groceries away, did a couple other small things then I noticed I’d left the hatch open. Not a problem the hatch keeps out the weather. Is a problem in that there are squirrels here. I took a flashlight and checked out the cabin. To my relief I didn’t have to evict reluctant, wet, Rocky the Squirrel. Paul left the passenger door open later when we brought laundry back but did not do a Rocky check. I’m hoping we don’t find a crazy Rocky in the morning.)

And how about the Fascinating Paul? What did he do this afternoon, aside from looking up “glamorous” on thesaurus.com?

At least I got to talk with Enoch and his wife, whose name I didn’t catch. They live in Bar Harbor Maine where my daughter went to college at the College of the Atlantic. Their daughter also went there and is currently a Dean there, Admissions I think. I told Enoch how I thought COA was counter-culture enough to hire me as a Computer Science professor without a PhD but the winters in Provincetown had scared me away from moving to an even colder and lonelier place. It turns out Bar Harbor has about 5,000 year round residents, far more than Provincetown’s 800, and shrinking, year round population. Oh well, maybe I should have tried back then.

Then it was time for showers.

That reminds me, I’ll need to go outside and tend to the plumbing again. On my way back inside I’ll stop at the freezer in “the way back” (susan here: well not so way back, it’s less than 19′) and grab a frozen microwavable lasagna that’ll be paired with a fine vintage of “bagged salad”. We’re such movers and shakers. /cue Robin Leach’s “lifestyles” music.

Hi, I’m Fascinating, you must be Captivating.

And it is raining…

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