
April 5, 2023 – Day 49

We drove today, what else can we say? So did Kevin, remember him, the cactus. He attacked Susan again. We’re not sure how, but she stepped on some spines this morning. I pulled them out of her foot, expecting to see some weird North Carolina burr, but, it was from Kevin. I’m not sure why we take good care of him! He got 2 tablespoons of water a few days ago and Susan puts his “crash helmet” on during transit so he doesn’t get hurt (a bowl over the plant). But Kevin, come on man, there are a lot of trash cans in rest areas between here and home, just saying…

Driving days used the generate all sorts of pictures, scenery, lunches, but today it was just 100% highway. I’m not sure if we’re tired, jaded, or that we’re so close to home it is starting to look normal.

We pulled into the Mystic Farm & Distillery Harvest Host in Durham, NC. We had hoped to buy something, I didn’t need moonshine, but hey, it is a Distillery, they’ll have something, right? We had also hoped to buy dinner, but they had closed at 4pm and it’s Paul’s month to cook, grr….

At least the view is gorgeous.

Daily: 306

Return Total: 3,266

Overall Total: 6,793

Return Miles/Day: 169 (Notice how stopping makes our average plummet, math class is hard…)

New Life Birds: 0

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